The Cigar Letter Rating System will consist of the following letters:
- A :Top Notch Class "A" Cigar. This Cigar is a must try and a must have in your humidor. In other words this Cigar was all around "perfect".
- B : Not head of the class, but damn near close. This Cigar impressed, but had "minor"issues affiliated with it. Still a must try to smoke and a must have in your humidor.
- C : Just an "Average" cigar. Was not good and not bad. In-between best describes it. This cigar has more issues than one would like (bad burn, construction, flavors, etc.). Still worth a try, but may not grab your attention.
- D : "Below Average" best describes this cigar. "Major" issues were present. Not good at all and you may want to smoke this if you are doing some activity where no attention to the cigar is needed, because you may be better off not paying attention to this anyway.
- F : "Failure" best describes this cigar. Just plain horrible is all I can say. Feel free to smoke these, but don't say I didn't warn you.
I think that about sums it all up in a nut shell. Pretty Simple and complex.
Please feel free to contact me anytime if you feel my system needs or is missing something or if it is good or bad. I am always up for ideas on ways to improve and I am sure I do need it. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Till next time, Smoke Up!!!